Just received the message below from JP that Ron Tyler died but the
company is not interrupting its work. The messages below are self
Original Message from JP of 09-23-09:
Just received the message below that Ron Tyler has passed away. The
company's activities are in very good hands and I'm sure the company
will continue. My experiences with their products and services has been
terrific for many years. Below is the message from Linda Marie:
To friends and customers of Ron and Beth Tyler,
It is with great sadness that I make this announcement today. After a
difficult weeks in the hospital, Ron Tyler passed away Saturday.
Beth called me in the afternoon with the bad news, and she was leaving
for the
Philippines on Monday. She had been preparing to be there with him, but
did not get there in time.
They were good friends, and more recently, business partners. Ron Tyler
really the nuts and bolts of "BethTyler.com <http://bethtyler.
and has been providing for the
enema community for many, many years and will certainly be missed.
I am working with the webmaster and the suppliers at the moment, and
with Beth's
help will do my best to keep the site and the business alive.
I do appreciate your patience, understanding and support during the
~Linda Marie
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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